Technology & Data Providers

Broaden your distribution and accelerate client adoption with omnichannel delivery and powerful automation.

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Generate high growth at low cost

Fast time-to-market, immediate impact and returns

Broader reach

Service more clients with live omnichannel delivery

Faster client adoption

Easier onboarding and time-to-value for your clients

New business models

More flexible client access means SaaS-type revenue models

Example solutions for Reference & Data Services

With our configurable platform, we can deliver solutions in days not months
  • Data On-Demand & Notifications
  • Models as a Service
  • Message Relay
  • Service Analysis

Data On-Demand & Notifications

Data On-Demand & Notifications

Your data is available to clients on-demand in any chat platform. Automatic updates are delivered to clients' chat or email
View ipushpull data as a service.

Models as a Service

Models as a Service

More control for you and a better experience for your users
Protect your IP and your client's data. Eliminate stale data and version control issues.

Message Relay

Message Relay

Service all your clients using your preferred chat platform.
Seamlessly connect between any chat platform and monitor all messages in a standard dashboard.

Service Analysis

Service Analysis

A central dashboard to monitor and analyse your client interactions across all platforms.
Monitor your KPIs and transform your client service.
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Solution Showcase: FOW's Chatbot

Developed in partnership with Symphony and FOW, FOW's chatbot provides fast access to critical futures and options reference data and Symbology. Easily retrieve real-time data and add it to any Symphony chatroom, saving time and reducing errors. Quick implementation, just select FOW from the Symphony directory.

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Symphony Innovate

FOW Chatbot demonstration


Fintech's next frontier: Data-as-a-Service

Learn how Data-as-a-Service can provide easy access to data and analytics at any time and anywhere.

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Frequently asked questions

Is it easy to get started?

It is quick and easy. Simply speak to our sales team or sign up for a free trial online and we will reach out to you. ipushpull is a no-code, configurable platform which means you can connect your data easily and could be up and running for you and your clients with a proof of concept or pilot in a matter of days or even hours. 

Can you help with a proof of concept?

Yes of course. Just get in touch and our support team will answer all your questions to help you get up and running fast. If you do not have the resources available, just tell us what you need, and we can create a proof of concept for you. 

How is ipushpull hosted?

ipushpull is delivered as SaaS. It can be dedicated to you and include your own white-labelling URLs and customisation, or it can be delivered over a shared multi-tenant service. Our primary hosting service is AWS with the flexibility to host on a service geographically close to your business as required. We can also deliver on other hosting services if required. 

Is my data secure?

Yes - ipushpull is ISO 27001 certified. Your data is secure and is encrypted in flight and when at rest. ipushpull uses encryption in transit between your applications or service and your ipushpull service and between your ipushpull service and any end-user client application. Any data stored in your ipushpull database is also encrypted. 

Who are your customers?

Over 100 financial institutions that have to comply with strict regulations already use ipushpull. We’ve never had any problems with technical due diligence.

What are the top use cases?

The top use cases across Capital markets include:

-Share live price data and trade opportunities in your Excel sheet to clients or counterparties on a live web page. 

-Allow clients or counterparties to access your data on demand from common chat applications with user-friendly commands. 

-Send automated alerts and notifications to clients or counterparties based on your data and rules into their messaging/chat platform.  

-Enabling clients or counterparties to send back orders in standard form by simply clicking on a price on a configurable web app or pop-up forms, or by typing chat commands. 

-Automating tasks on the desk and monitoring your client or counterparty interest for a more efficient and improved service. 

What is your charging model?

ipushpull is a SaaS platform. We offer flexible pricing based on quarterly or annual licenses with packages based on the type of hosting, and the features and solutions implemented.

Contact us today for more information on how you could benefit from ipushpull

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