There are 1.2 billion Microsoft Office users in the world. Even with the introduction of competitive apps from Google and Apple, Excel is still the native application for most people. There are a few similar cloud-based applications, and even Microsoft released Office online and Office 365 to get a share of the cloud market. All of those are collaborative solution for teams working on the same projects and documents.
However, what Slack has recognised is that teams also need to communicate in order for those projects to be coordinated. This is why so many companies are using Slack. Even though Slack allows documents to be uploaded on the go as and when, there’s no way to view them in the app itself. For spreadsheets this can be a critical point. Teams may want to view data like forecasts, schedules, prices and inventory numbers straight away. Copy and pasting cells to Slack is not an option, while clicking away to another window is an inefficient way of working,
With the ipushpull app for Slack, live data can be shared with your Slack team in any channel. You can choose to post a select range of cells or a whole spreadsheet. The live data function updates data straight away in Slack, so your whole team instantly has access to the most current information.